Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Prayer Chain For Life Sept. 2 in Easton

On Thursday, September 2, a Respect Life Prayer Chain is scheduled from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the corner of 25th Street and William Penn Highway, Easton.

Organized by dedicated young members of regional Respect Life groups, including members of St. Jane Frances de Chantal Parish in Easton, it is intended to prayerfully endorse the intrinsic value and dignity of all human life to local high school students.

“We pray for the conversion of our nation in its understanding of the importance of life and death issues,” said parishioner Rebecca Isaac. “Please join us at this prayerful event, even if only for 15 minutes, so that our young people may behold the peaceful witness of their fellow citizens to the unique sanctity of all human life – at every stage of existence, in all circumstances and from its earliest hidden beginnings to its natural end – all determined by God. Praying especially with our young people as their lives unfold, is a great beginning to guide this critical debate.”

