Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass) to Mark Anniversary of Local Juventutem Chapter

If you’ve never been to a Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form, you will have your chance at 1:30 p.m. September 13 at the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena.

Masses in the Extraordinary Form are celebrated in Latin. A Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form includes a priest, a deacon, and a subdeacon.

The Mass will mark the seventh anniversary of Juventutem Lehigh Valley, a local chapter of an international coalition of young adults whose mission is the sanctification of youth through the Roman traditions of the Church.

“I invite anyone who has a desire to experience the richness and prayerfulness of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass,” said Mary Bem, chapter president. She noted that Extraordinary Form Masses are celebrated monthly at the Cathedral, in conjunction with chapter meetings.

In keeping with diocesan social distancing requirements, masks must be worn and seating capacity at the Cathedral is limited to 50 percent of normal.

