Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Scout Service Project Creates Accessible Gardening at Holy Family Manor

Vegetable gardening season is in full swing, and this year residents of Holy Family Manor can grow tomatoes, cabbages, and other garden bounty without bending.

Even those in wheelchairs can get into the act, thanks to an innovative set of raised-bed gardens built by Nathan Hanna of Bethlehem as part of his Eagle Scout service project.

Hanna and his dad, Kamal, spent several weekends building the raised beds after making absolutely sure of the measurements so that a wheelchair-bound resident would be able to fit underneath easily.

The beds even have a built-in irrigation system, and drainage as well, to keep the plants in tip-top shape.

“I wanted to do something in line with my gardening hobby, while at the same time improving the quality of life for those who may find difficulty doing gardening on their own,” said Hanna, 17.

He contacted Joe Shadid, chief executive officer of Holy Family Senior Living, and the project was born. Bishop Alfred Schlert greeted Hanna at Holy Family Manor recently to thank him for his hard work.

The structures are fitted with sturdy wheels so the nursing home’s staff can wheel the gardens out onto a partially covered porch where the plants can get light in between gardening sessions.

“We’re very grateful to have these accessible garden beds for the enjoyment of our residents,” said Shadid. “We are always looking for additional ways to improve the quality of life of our residents, and we love having the opportunity to work with Scouts who are looking for meaningful service projects.”

In the photo above, Eagle Scout Nathan Hanna poses with Joe Shadid, Chief Executive Officer of Holy Family Senior Living.

