Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Register Now for ChristLife Online Training Course

During these strange and uncertain times, people are searching for the meaning of life more than ever before. As the faithful seek fulfillment, parishes and individuals can equip themselves to more effectively evangelize and foster a relationship with Christ.

Beginning on Aug. 10, the Diocese will offer the ChristLife online training course to teach individuals and parish teams how to promote a more vibrant faith in parishes, to reach fallen away Catholics, and to evangelize all people to Jesus Christ. The course will focus on Discovering Christ, the first module in the three-part ChristLife evangelization process.

The course will be facilitated through a combination of live Zoom sessions and pre-recorded video content. Live sessions will take place from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. on Aug. 10, Aug. 13, Aug. 17, and Aug. 20.

The course will teach participants how to run ChristLife in their parishes, either as an online class or in-person.

Participants will receive access to the training material upon registration.

More than 1,000 Catholic parishes have used ChristLife to reignite missionary discipleship and the new evangelization in their communities.

“The ChristLife resource is an excellent way to kick off an evangelization process in the parish,” said Bishop Alfred Schlert. “It fosters community, it is centered on the proclamation of the Gospel (Kerygma), and it provides participants with a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Parishes who have run ChristLife have experienced great renewal and transformation.”

The cost of the ChristLife course is $35 per attendee. For more information and to register, visit For questions, contact Alexa Smith at

