The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week November 6 through November 12.
Across the United States, and here in the Diocese of Allentown, there will be events to promote vocations, which are calls from God for people to become priests, deacons, and religious sisters and brothers.
The faithful are encouraged during this week to renew their prayerful support for those currently discerning a vocation, and for others to be open to what God may be calling them to do.
“Vocations to the Priesthood and religious life are greatly needed in our Diocese, and I am confident that the Lord is calling heroic young men and women to answer that call in a bold and courageous way,” said Father Mark Searles, diocesan Vocations Director.
“We are blessed to have a vibrant Church in the Diocese of Allentown and it is a wonderful place to serve the Lord by living one's vocation well,” Father Searles said.
As a finale to Vocation Awareness Week, Father Searles said, the Diocese is holding a Fall Come and See Retreat for young men at St. Charles Seminary near Philadelphia on Nov. 11-13.
The weekend will include Mass; time with diocesan seminarians; time for adoration, prayer, and Adoration; and sightseeing in Philadelphia. For more information, visit
In February, there will be a weekend for young adult women to discern their vocation and pray together with religious sisters at the Friary in Easton, on Feb. 10-12, 2023. More information about that opportunity will be coming soon.
Father Searles said the Diocese’s Quo Vadis and Fiat summer programs for high school youth have led some students to attend Come and See Weekends and other discernment retreats. “We are hopeful that this will continue to bear fruit in the vocational discernment as we accompany our young people and help them to center their hearts in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and to listen to our Lord's invitation, "Follow me."