Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Please Join in Praying to Protect Life

The annual “9 Days for Life” novena begins Wednesday, Jan. 19, and concludes Thursday, Jan. 27.

It’s easy to do, and it’s a great way to pray with thousands of other Catholics every day to protect life.

The prayers are all available on-line, and it’s simple to download them, or to sign up to get a daily link by email or text message.

Sign up at, or by clicking here.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops also has many resources for the novena on its website, including each day’s prayer intention, a short reflect to accompany each intention, and suggested actions to build a culture of life.

Both websites contain material for your own personal prayer use, or for use in parish or group settings.

Also, in connection with the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., please see this AD Today article on indulgences for participation in person or virtually.

