Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Annual Campaign to Support Care of Retired Priests in Good Standing Now Under Way

When a diocesan priest is ordained, he makes a lifelong commitment to serve the needs of the faithful in the Diocese of Allentown.

In return, the Diocese makes a commitment to the priest to provide for his basic well-being during his lifetime, including retirement.

The annual Chosen, Blessed, Shared appeal for contributions to the Endowment for the Care of Retired Priests in good standing is now underway.

The normal retirement age for a priest in our Diocese is 75. Retirement costs include insurance, health care, prescriptions, housing and sustenance, and skilled nursing care when needed.

About one-third of diocesan priests are retired. Costs to care for them are more than $2.7 million per year. The Diocese pays these costs through the Because We Are Catholic appeal and through the diocesan operating budget.

The Endowment Fund was created as an additional, long-term source of funding to help cover these costs in the future.

To make a gift to the Endowment Fund, visit this webpage.

Monsignor Robert M. Forst, the oldest living priest in the Diocese of Allentown, recently celebrated his 95th birthday at Holy Family Villa, Bethlehem. Monsignor Forst will celebrate his 70th year of Ordination in May.

