Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Seminary Retreat for Young Men Includes Plenty of Prayer (and Pizza)

This past weekend, 17 young men from the Diocese of Allentown spent time with seminarians and priests at a weekend retreat at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia.

There was time for prayer, adoration and reflection about whether they may want to become priests. But there was also plenty of time for visits to Philadelphia shrines, sightseeing, a pizza social, and even a stop for the city’s world-famous cheesesteaks.

“This was a wonderful retreat for anyone who may be thinking about whether they want to become a priest,” said Father Mark Searles, Director of the Office of Vocations Promotion.

“The Prayer to Know One’s Vocation includes the beautiful words ‘Show me what you want of me,’” said Father Searles. “We spent the weekend trying to help these young men find that guidance from the Holy Spirit.”

