Here is this week's installment of "Five Faith Friday" which contains five, faith-based things I found interesting and am sharing on Friday.
Which Phrases We Need To Stop Using --
"Oh my God!", "OMG", "God!", "Jesus Christ!", and all the other similar ones that we say in vain. It all comes down to the Commandment, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain." This is the best video I've seen on this particular topic. It's only 7 minutes so give it a listen. The easiest way to distinguish whether or not the language we are using is following the commandment or not is asking whether or not we were using God's name in a charitable way. If I'm using those phrases as an act of prayer, worship, or song then I'm probably in the clear.
What Quote I'm Soaking In --
"The cure for rebellion is obedience. The cure for heresy is faithfulness to the teaching of Tradition. The cure for schism is filial devotion for the Sacred Pastors. The cure for apostasy is love for God and His Most Holy Mother. The cure for vice is the humble practice of virtue. The cure for the corruption of morals is to live constantly in the presence of God. But obedience cannot be perverted into stolid servility; respect for authority cannot be perverted into the obeisance of the court. And let’s not forget that if it is the duty of the laity to obey their Pastors, it is even a more grave duty of the Pastors to obey God, usque ad effusionem sanguinis." -Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. And for those of us who don't regularly speak Latin, "usque ad effusionem sanguinis" roughly translates to "even to the shedding of blood."
What I'm Reflecting On --
Which media I allow myself and my family to consume. It's this fine balance of being exposed to the world but protecting our innocence. The Burrowshire Podcast has a fantastic episode about "What to Watch and How to Watch It" that is applicable not only to our children but to us ourselves. A few of the highlights that stood out to me: 1) Pope Benedict XVI, back when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, was asked if he ever watched R rated movies. He was ignorant of the whole movie rating system and he replied with a question, "Do children watch those movies?" to which the interviewer said, "No." Without missing a beat, Cardinal Ratziner said, "Then I don't either." 2) When looking at violence in media vs. sex, it is important to note that exposure to violence doesn't naturally draw us to sin whereas exposure to sex naturally draws us to lust. 3) When you are watching sex on the big screen, you are most likely watching the sin of fornication since those two actors are not married.
Which Book I finished --
"With God In Russia" by Father Walter Ciszek. Incredible read! It was an absolutely phenomenal look into the life of Father Ciszek during his time in the labor camps and prisons within Russia. The book ends (spoiler alert!) with Father Ciszek departing from Russia via airplane. His final line in the book is, "Slowly, carefully, I made the sign of the cross over the land I was leaving." WOW! He was tortured, imprisoned, beaten, and spied on for 23 years yet harbored no ill feelings toward the country or their inhabitants. One story in particular stood out to me. He talked about going to celebrate Mass at one of the improvised churches in Russia. He showed up at 7am for the 9am Mass and said the church was almost full. He proceeded to hear confessions until 10:30!!!!! At 10:30 he started the 9am Mass after hearing confessions for 3.5 hours!!!! Could you imagine that many people wanting confession? I long for the day when people receive the sacrament of reconciliation on a regular basis. I am convinced that it would completely change our Church.
What You Should Participate In --
Praying the rosary on September 8th. September 8th is the Nativity of Our Lady and as such, Bishop Schlert has asked the diocese to pray the rosary on this day for Our Lady's intercession to end the coronavirus pandemic and for peace in our nation. Our diocese has many ways to participate both in person and virtually. I'd encourage you to get a group of friends and pray the rosary together yourselves if you cannot make it to one of these events.
Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and your family!