Here is this week's installment of "Five Faith Friday" which contains five, faith-based things I found interesting and am sharing on Friday.
What Message I Want to Share --
Two weeks ago in "Five Faith Friday" I said this: "I think that one of the most important things the Church can do right now is to reinstate the Sunday obligation with further clarifications to exceptions for those uncomfortable or at risk." I was ecstatic to see earlier this week that Bishop DeGrood (Diocese of Sioux Falls located in South Dakota) did exactly that in his video outlining modifications to the dispensation. I've got some tough love for you guys. If you are skipping Mass because of a fear to your health or your family's health, okay. But if you are going out to eat at restaurants, if your kids are going back to in-person school, if you have gone on vacation, or if you are hanging out with other families, you should be in Mass. Are you afraid of the coronavirus? Don't skimp out on receiving the source and summit of the Christian life (see: 1324 of that link)! Be not afraid! And if you decide to go back, do yourself a favor and go to the sacrament of confession first. You must be in a state of grace when receiving the Blessed Sacrament! “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup.” (1 Cor. 11:27–28 RSVCE)
What 1 Minute Video I Watched --
These inspiring closing remarks from Jim Caviezel. You know Jim as the Catholic actor who played Jesus in the Passion of the Christ movie. Two years ago (March 2018) he was featured on a panel at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and closed out the panel with these final thoughts. While they were delivered two years ago, they ring (arguably) even more true today. "Set yourself apart from this corrupt generation! Be saints!"
What I'm Doing / Reading --
"Marian Consecration With Aquinas: A Nine Day Path for Growing Closer to the Mother of God" by Matt Fradd and Father Gregory Pine. What more perfect time to do this than the special octave between tomorrow (Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and next Saturday (Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary). My spiritual advisor recommended that we all should consider doing something extra in honor of Our Lady during the octave. His recommendation? Pray the Angelus Prayer. It doesn't take any longer than 2 minutes. Make the time.
What I Saw --
The largest crucifix in the world! It was 5 minutes off the highway we were driving on to get to vacation and it is a must see. Get this. They call it the "Cross in the Woods" officially (maybe in an attempt to not scare off the Protestants with the use of the word "crucifix" - ha!) but it is the sight of the largest crucifix that exists. The corpus of Jesus is made of bronze 3/8" to 1/2" thick, weighs seven tons, and is twenty-eight feet tall from head to toe. You can even see the crucifix from inside the shrine serving as a beautiful backdrop (although the tabernacle is located at the back of the church - ugh, sigh). The grounds also have shrines to St. Kateri, The Holy Family, St. Peregrine, and more. My son Lucas also bought a beautiful new rosary with different colored decades and a medal of St. Teresa of Calcutta on it.
What Song I'm Listening To --
“Thank You Lord” by Chris Tomlin featuring Thomas Rhett and Florida Georgia Line. If you like Country music and Christian music then this one is calling your name! It is from the "Chris Tomlin and Friends" album and you can listen to the entire playlist for free here. It has debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top Country Albums, finally dethroning Lauren Daigle who spent a good 80 weeks in the spot.
Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and your family!