Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Ladies and Gentlemen, Load Your Trunks and Start Your Engines

Please consider donating some food to those who are less fortunate.

Catholic Charities will be collecting grocery donations in a drive-through, socially distant drop-off this Saturday, June 20, at the Vegan Butcher, 768 Union Boulevard, Allentown, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The food you donate will be boxed up and distributed to those in need during the Catholic Charities weekly distribution in downtown Allentown.

About 2,000 pounds of groceries are handed out every week at the agency’s Ecumenical Kitchen, 179 West Chew Street, to more than 200 families. Food insecurity is a critical problem for families in the neighborhood. The Coronavirus pandemic has made an already difficult time more urgent.

Making a grocery drop-off is simple and safe: Have your food items in the trunk of your car and simply drive into the Vegan Butcher parking lot, where Catholic Charities personnel in masks and gloves will remove the items from the trunk and gather them for later donation to the needy.

Items needed include: canned chicken, tuna or meats; canned fruit or applesauce; jam or jelly; peanut butter; boxed dry pasta; dry rice; canned beans; canned soups; dry/dehydrated potatoes; spaghetti sauce; cereal in boxes or bags; crackers, snack or granola bars; boxed macaroni and cheese; powdered or long-life milk; paper towels; toilet paper; and canned and fresh fruits and vegetables.

If you prefer a monetary donation, checks can be made payable to Catholic Charities, with soup kitchen on the memo line, and mailed directly to Catholic Charities, 900 Woodward Street, Allentown, PA 18103. Donations can also be made at .

