Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

As Struggle Continues to End Abortion in Pennsylvania, the Church Provides Help for Women and Families

Many Catholics rejoiced when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending 50 years of federal protection for abortion.

But abortion remains legal in Pennsylvania, so our work is not done. If we want to protect life rather than allow it to be terminated, it is important to continue to press legislators and public officials.

That point was driven home here in the Diocese of Allentown when Easton City Council passed, and Allentown City Council began considering, measures designed to support and protect the ability of a woman to have an abortion.

Bishop Alfred Schlert swiftly condemned the actions in strongly worded letters to council members and mayors of both cities.

Among the points the Bishop made in those letters was this: Rather than promoting abortion, do more to help women and families who are struggling with decisions about an unexpected pregnancy.

I’ve heard it said that the Catholic Church opposes abortion but doesn’t do enough for the mother and child after birth. That’s just not the case.

Catholic Charities, parishes, volunteers, and advocates in our Diocese work every day to help women and families who are facing a difficult choice about a pregnancy. They make sure women and children who are in need get material assistance, medical care, and counseling.

There’s also help for anyone who is suffering after an abortion, including counseling and spiritual healing. Bishop Schlert also invites anyone whose abortion has not been addressed in Confession to seek out the Sacrament of Penance, where there are compassionate priests empowered by the Bishop to forgive the sin of abortion.

Sixty million innocent lives have been lost in the past half-century because of abortion. As Catholics, we need to keep working to end this terrible practice through prayers, advocacy, and legislative involvement. The Catholic Church teaches that human life is sacred and must be respected and protected from the moment of conception.

As the struggle continues, please help spread the word that women and families can find the help they need in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Allentown.

For more information on the wide range of available assistance, click here or simply go to the Diocese website,, and type “Resources for Women” into the search bar.

Paul Wirth is the Communications Director of the Diocese of Allentown. He can be reached at

