Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Bishop Asks for Prayers, Fasting Against Unrest and Pandemic

Bishop Alfred Schlert is asking the priests, deacons and faithful of the Diocese to join him in prayer and fasting for an end to the civil unrest in many cities in the country, and also for the end of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Bishop Schlert is observing what the Church calls Pentecost Ember Days. Ember Days are observed four times a year, after the Feast of the Holy Cross in September, after the feast of St. Lucy in December, after Ash Wednesday and after Pentecost.

During Ember Days, the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, are set aside to pray in gratitude for the blessing of the seasons. They have become, for those who observe them, days of intense prayer, fasting and penance with a focus that stresses personal spiritual conversion and renewal.

Today, Friday and Saturday, Bishop Schlert is inviting the clergy and faithful of the Diocese to make visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament, to pray the Rosary, to fast from any earthly attachment that separates us from Christ, to pray daily the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel and to receive the Sacrament of Penance. You may also attend Mass at your local parish or view livestreamed Mass online.

The Bishop notes that during this time of uncertainty created by the virus and the unrest in many cities, prayer, fasting and penance are powerful spiritual weapons against the evil and injustice of our times.

