Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

With Christmas on a Saturday This Year, How Does the Mass Obligation Work That Weekend?

With Christmas falling on a Saturday this year, it may be confusing how the Mass obligation works on that weekend. Here’s the rundown:

Christmas is a Holy Day of Obligation, and the faithful are required to attend Mass either Christmas Eve, Friday Dec. 24, or Christmas Day, Saturday, Dec. 25.

The next day, Sunday, Dec. 26, is a regular Sunday, with the normal obligation to attend Mass.

It is not possible to satisfy both the obligation for Christmas and the obligation for Sunday, Dec. 26 by attending Mass on only one of those days.

Regarding the New Year’s weekend, New Year’s Day, Saturday Jan. 1, is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. So that means the normal Sunday obligation for Jan. 2 is in place, meaning the faithful may attend Mass either Sunday Jan. 2, or Saturday evening Jan. 1.

Even though Jan. 1, the Solemnity of Mary, is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, attending Mass on that day, or on Dec. 31 in the evening, is still a great way to start off the New Year.

For Mass schedules on both weekends, check your local parish listings. Special schedules may be in place for both weekends.

