Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Knights of Columbus Announces Novena in Anticipation of Father McGivney's Beatification

The Knights of Columbus has invited all Catholics to prepare for the beatification of its founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, by joining a Novena asking for Father McGivney's intercession in their lives. The prayers are meant to be said over nine days, from Oct. 22 to 30.

Father McGivney will be beatified – the final step before canonization as a saint -- on Saturday, Oct. 31, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut. From that day on, he will be known as "Blessed Michael McGivney."

A priest of the now-Archdiocese of Hartford, Father McGivney founded the Knights in 1882 while serving at St. Mary's Church in New Haven. The Knights of Columbus is today one of the world's leading fraternal and service organizations, with 2 million members in more than 16,000 parish-based councils.

"We are praying that many graces will come through the beatification of Father McGivney, that by his example of virtue we may be inspired to put our faith into action for the good of our families, parishes and communities," said Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. "We will also pray for a miracle that will lead to the canonization of Father McGivney."

Each day of the Novena includes an invocation to Father McGivney under a different aspect of his life and leadership, including promoter of family life and the domestic church, priest and pastor, friend to the poor and marginalized, and founder of the Knights of Columbus. Each is accompanied by prayers of intercession and a virtue to imitate.

The Novena each day concludes with a prayer for the canonization of Father McGivney, and that he "prompt us to greater confidence in [God's] love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast."

The Novena is available at

