Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Annual Collection Helps Elderly Sisters, Brothers, Priests in Religious Orders

Parishes will hold the annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection on December 12 and 13.

Donations to the collection are distributed to religious communities, both those in the Diocese and those nationwide, to help with the retirement needs of nearly 30,000 retired sisters, brothers and religious order priests.

Last year, parishioners in the Diocese donated $25,632 to the collection.

“The generosity of U.S. Catholics enables us to continue our ministry for aging women and men religious,” said Presentation Sister Stephanie Still, executive director of the National Religious Retirement Office, which coordinates the collection. “We are overwhelmed with gratitude.”

Historically, Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests served for little to no pay. Today, many religious communities lack sufficient retirement savings. Rising health-care costs and a growing number of senior members compound the challenge to meet retirement expenses.

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