Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Annual Appeal for 2021 is Under Way

The 2021 Because We Are Catholic Annual Appeal is under way to bring the Light of Christ to people in need in all five counties served by the Diocese of Allentown.

“Invitations to make your Annual Appeal gift are in the mail this week,” promises Paul Acampora, Director of Stewardship and Development and Executive Director for the Annual Appeal. “Together, our contributions provide food, clothing and support services to families; give tuition assistance to Catholic school students; encourage vocations to the Priesthood; and support parish life.”

The Appeal also helps pay for medical care for seniors who cannot afford it, allows the Diocese to make it easier for shut-ins to watch Mass online and on television, provides care for elderly and retired priests in good standing, and supports veterans.

The annual kickoff for the Appeal was virtual this year, and broadcast from the home of Bishop Alfred Schlert. To watch that 35-minute presentation about the good works of the Appeal or to make your gift or pledge online, visit

“Thank you in advance for your gifts, your prayers, your faith, and your friendship,” Bishop Schlert wrote in the Appeal letter. “It is a blessing to be with you in sharing the Light of Christ through the work we do together.”

