Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

A First-Ever Retreat for Young Women to Discern a Religious Life

Recognizing that the number of religious sisters and other women religious is declining, the Diocese of Allentown is sponsoring its first-ever discernment retreat for young women.

“We hope to share the message that Christ is still inviting young women to be His bride,” said Father Mark Searles, Director of Vocations, “and to offer their lives as a bright light of hope in the world through their vows and life in vibrant communities that are still active and growing within the Church.”

“We also hope to create a community of young women who can continue beyond this weekend retreat to support each other in friendship and in prayer as they discern where God is calling them,” Father Searles said.

Women ages 18 and over are invited to the free weekend retreat, which will be held February 10 through 12 at St. Francis Retreat House in Easton.

The weekend will include Mass, time with women religious, and ample opportunity for prayer, Adoration, and reflection.

“We have run the Fiat program for high school girls for roughly 10 summers,” Father Searles said, “and we see a need to continue to bridge the gap between our young women and some of the local religious communities to encourage the vocation to religious life.”

Register by Feb. 3 by visiting this page on the Diocese website. For questions, contact the Vocations Office at 610-437-0755 or email Father Searles at

“I invite young women to join us to pray for a renewal of religious life in our Diocese,” Father Searles said. “We will offer participants the opportunity to pray and to learn best practices in vocational discernment and walking with God.”

