Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Holy Family Manor Earns Highest Federal Rating for Quality

Holy Family Manor has received a five-star rating for quality, the highest level awarded by the federal government’s official rating service for nursing homes.

“This is a tremendous honor that is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of our entire staff, particularly during this time of COVID-19,” said Joseph Shadid, chief executive officer of Holy Family Senior Living.

“We are very proud of the fact that the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recognize the superior level of care our residents receive,” he said.

The five-star rating is based on the government’s evaluation of 15 measures of physical and clinical care provided to Holy Family Manor residents, Shadid said.

The government’s ratings are used by families shopping for quality care for their loved ones, and by hospitals evaluating which facilities to use when referring patients for long-term care.

Holy Family Manor has a nurse dedicated to monitoring and improving quality-of-care measures, Shadid said.

Holy Family Manor is a ministry of the Diocese of Allentown that provides quality physical, emotional, social and spiritual care with dignity and compassion.

