Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Holy Family Manor Begins to Permit Limited Visits

After being closed to visitors for nearly a year to help keep its residents safe, Holy Family Manor is beginning to resume limited visitation.

Family and friends of residents may pre-register for 30-minute visits. Holy Family Manor will evaluate the program after a period of time and decide whether it can be expanded safely.

The facility’s strict infection-control policies and sanitation protocols remain in place. Visitors are screened before entering. Masks must be worn and social distancing observed.

“It is very nice to welcome families and friends back,” said Joseph Shadid, chief executive officer of Holy Family Senior Living. “Our residents have been able to take part in virtual and phone visits during the pandemic, but nothing beats the ability to visit in person."

As part of Holy Family Manor’s safety procedures, the facility purchased two robots – affectionately named Stanley and Stella -- that disinfect rooms using ultraviolet light.

