Here is this week's installment of "Five Faith Friday" which contains five, faith-based things I found interesting and am sharing on Friday.
What I Watched -- Catholic kicker Justin Tucker set an NFL record with a 66 yard football to win the game. Did you notice how at the 25 second mark he made the sign of the cross (like he always does) before his kick? The guy even has some lungs on him... listen to him perform the Ave Maria.
What Glory Story I Heard -- Okay, so first, a backstory. A few weeks ago I wrote about an exposition involving some 150 relics, including those of St. Maria Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the "Little Flower"), St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Faustina Kowalska. The supreme highlight is one of the largest relics of the Church's claim to the True Cross in the world and a piece of the Veil that, according to sanctioned tradition, is believed to have belonged to Our Lady. You can find the schedule of where the exposition is going to be here.
Here is the glory story I received from a FFF reader in her own words:
- So this presentation is also known to generate miracles … and we had one of our own! Two of my five kids have really bad stomach issues. They will double over in pain, spend long bouts crying in the bathroom, etc. We have gone to doctors and naturopaths. My daughter has had some success with the naturopath eliminating gluten and dairy completely. Jack also has been seeing the naturopath for about three months, and despite the vitamin cocktail and elimination of gluten and dairy, he would still get stomach pains and mouth sores. Our next stop was going to be a gastroenterologist. It has been incredibly sad and frustrating as a parent to see your child in pain daily and not be able to provide any measure of comfort. I cannot explain how helpless you feel sitting on the other side of a bathroom door hearing your child screaming in agony. Well...
- Jack has a special love for St. Padre Pio. We make stigmata cookies for his Saint’s day (a few days back), he dressed as him for a CDD parade on All Saints Day; he just loves Padre Pio. So it was the end of the night and we had already venerated all the relics. I was on a line to venerate the last three (St. Joseph’s cloak, Blessed Mary’s veil and baby Jesus’ crib … how cool!) and Jack was all done. I told Jack, “Hey, why don’t you go back to Padre Pio and hold the relic to your tummy and ask him to ask God to heal you.” Jack’s face lit up. He bolted across the gymnasium and did just that. Since then he’s enjoyed milk and cookies and chicken nuggets without any incidents. He also doesn’t have anymore mouth sores. To put this into perspective, if he had a glass of milk in the past, within 20 minutes he’d be writing in pain on the floor. It is truly a sweet miracle and I’m so grateful.
Praise God!!!!
Where I Went -- The first ever Pennsylvania March for Life held in Harrisburg. Wow! What a turnout there was. Now more than ever though you need to get involved. All Christians must accept not only Christ's teachings but also the science that teaches us that life starts at conception. Baptized Catholic Nancy Pelosi committed to turning Roe vs. Wade into a federal law. There is the so called Women’s Health “Protection” Act going through congress. Now, the bill is in the U.S. Senate and the abortion lobby is one step closer to achieving their goal of completely deregulating abortion throughout the entire country. Use this link to call your senators and express your opinion on the evil they are perpetrating.
What I Watched -- Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I have not seen the movie in many years and forgot how truly Catholic the movie was. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a high quality Disney production that has underlying Catholic themes throughout. We all know that Disney as a whole is promoting a lot of things that go against Catholic values but if you are a Disney fan, the guys from the Burrowshire Podcast had a fantastic episode around Disney and theology if you are interested.
What Song I Enjoyed -- For God Is With Us by for King & Country. Joel and Luke Smallbone share in a statement: “This song speaks to all circumstances. No matter hardship or great delight, we can all take great comfort in God being with us.”
BONUS What Upcoming Events That I'm Attending --
- Saturday, October 9th in Allentown, Kevin Wells, author of The Priests We Need to Save the Church, will be coming to speak at the Cathedral in Allentown, PA. All men are invited and can register here
- The Diocese of Allentown's annual Men's Conference being held Saturday, November 20th at DeSales University. Jesse Romero, David Abel from Stewardship Mission of Faith and Adam Minihan and David Niles from the podcast The Catholic Man Show will all be speaking. You can register here
Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and your family!