Sixth grader Salome Rojas talks with Bishop Schlert as her mother looks on.
When the 270 kids at St. John Vianney Regional School in Allentown sat back for Bishop Schlert’s Homily on Ash Wednesday, it’s a good bet they were not expecting to hear about their refrigerators.
“I don’t know about you,” the Bishop said, walking among the students in the aisle of the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena, “but one of my least favorite things is to clean out my refrigerator.
Sometimes food goes into the fridge, the Bishop said, but goes bad before it is used, and has to be cleaned out. “In some ways during Lent,” he said, “we are like our fridge.”
We have thoughts that may turn bad, becoming anger or jealousy, he said. We have free will, but might use it to make the wrong choice that leads to bullying or gossip or cheating.
In this way, he explained, our souls can be like our refrigerators. “Lent is a time to clean things out to prepare to celebrate the Resurrection,” he said. “So that’s our task this Lent. Let’s get going!”