Noticias de la Diócesis de Allentown

Popular ‘Living Stations of the Cross’ Goes Virtual in Mahanoy City

The need for social distancing has inspired many parishes to get creative about the way they celebrate Holy Week. This year, ACTION Youth Group based at St. Teresa of Calcutta parish in Mahanoy City and St. Richard Parish in Barnesville is taking its Living Stations of the Cross to the virtual sphere, allowing them to continue a tradition that has been alive for more than three decades.

Living Stations portrayed by the teens of the youth group has long been a staple in Schuylkill County. “Because of Coronavirus and the stringent restrictions to socially distance and stay at home, we knew that this year’s production would have to be done in a different way,” said Debbie Walker, youth minister. “Our teens jumped at the chance so that we would not disappoint our faithful friends.”

The video will be available on Good Friday, April 10, at 7:00 p.m. on the St. Teresa parish Facebook page. Viewers can also see it via the group’s YouTube channel, Action Youth.

“The Stations are being offered asking God to end the Coronavirus crisis,” said Walker. “They also will be offered for those affected: those who are sick, those who have passed away, those who are essential personnel, and those who lost jobs because of the crisis. We invite everyone to pray with us.”

“I enjoy being involved in the Living Stations because it details the path Jesus experienced on His way to eventual redemption of humanity,” said Jordan Karomick, a high school senior.

“The Stations bring all of us together to express our faith,” said Meghan Macleary, a high school junior. “The Stations give me another way to stay connected to my Church.”

